Our services

ECHO provides home care services to people over 65, or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people over 50.

We deliver services 7 days a week for Home Care Package clients and 5 days a week for people funded under the Commonwealth Home Support Program. For more about these programs visit our Funding page.

Our goal is to provide services at the same time, on the same day and with a familiar support worker, so our client knows who is coming and when they’ll arrive. That continuity provides confidence and reassurance.

We try to create small clusters or ‘families’ of clients and workers who all know each other. Then, if one staff member is on leave, there’s another familiar person who can step in. No one is just a number.

We take care to match our care workers with our clients. If, for some reason, a match doesn’t work out, the client has the right to ask for a different person. Such requests are rare but we’re always ready to make a change to ensure our client is happy.

Our team is also culturally diverse, so we can provide staff who can speak a lot of different languages, and who can appreciate cultural needs.

We assign a case manager (Client Advisor) to every client, and they maintain regular contact with the client or carer to make sure the client is getting all the services they need to keep living independently. The case manager will adjust the Care Plan so it meets the client’s specific needs.

Our services include:

ECHO support workers must have relevant qualifications for the type of work they’re doing. In most cases this will be Certificate III in Individualised Care, while others may have also completed Certificates in Leisure and Lifestyle, Mental Health or Dementia Specific Training. All of our support workers who provide medication prompts must undertake specific training in this area.

What people say about ECHO

‘Congratulations on your award – no doubt you will keep up the good work. Thank you so much for helping me.’
